D3 Applied Ethics

Impacting vulnerable children and orphans in Albania for Christ.




What We Do

Impacting vulnerable children and orphans in Albania for Christ.


Our Work

The Lord has given us a passion to work with orphans in Albania. We focus on supporting and providing opportunities for the children living in Tirana's state orphanage. We provide tutoring, sports practice, cooking classes, crafts, outings and more that greatly impact these children. We also take the kids to summer camp, host teams from the USA and do an annual Christmas program where all the kids get a present and learn about the true meaning of Christmas. 


We are always looking for donors, churches and companies interested in partnering with our work. We hope to start a transitional housing ministry for youth transitioning out of state care in the coming years as God provides the resources. Please email us if you have any questions or if you would like a copy of our informational packet or newsletter. 


Here is a link to our website: d3albania.org 


Email us: d3appliedethics@gmail.com 

Our Mission

We exist to care for the spiritual, social, and physical needs of vulnerable children and youth who are under the care of the government in Albania.

Our History

In 1990, Gazi was born just outside the capital of Albania. From the age of 1 to 19 Gazi lived in a variety of orphanages throughout Albania. When he was a teenager, a church came to help at the orphanage. He first heard the gospel from this American team. Several years later Gazi gave his life to the Lord and began attending Grace Church of Tirana. Gazi began to work for D3, a non-profit organization that operated a bouldering gym as an outreach in Tirana. Upon some organizational changes, the door was opened for Gazi to become its executive director. In 2017, he started asking if D3 could help in the orphanage where he was raised. The government gave permission for him to come once a week to teach soccer. As time went on, God continued opening the doors for D3 to serve at the orphanage. D3 now has a strong partnership with the children’s home in Tirana and has big dreams for the future including a transitional home for youth leaving the orphanage. 

Partner With Us

Giving is a privilege. The choice to give expresses our love for Christ by meeting a practical need.