D3 Navigators

Insiders spreading the gospel of Jesus throughout Bulgaria. ​




What We Do

Insiders spreading the gospel of Jesus organically throughout Bulgaria.

Our Vision

To see the Gospel of Jesus spread organically throughout Bulgaria and influence all essential aspects of society (workplace, church, family, marriage, education). We desire to establish effective models of people and institutions who are serving from a biblical worldview and with hope in God’s sovereign reign. To accomplish this, we must recruit and train insiders (people in the workplace, church, community) who will be the leaders needed to reach and disciple others.

Our efforts are concentrated on strengthening individuals, families, and organizations to better serve their neighbors, the church, and society. 


We do this by connecting with, coming alongside, walking alongside, investing in, and empowering laborers, ministry leaders, social project and business enterprise leaders.

Our Prayer

To be salt and light so that workers for the kingdom can be next door to everywhere.


Our Programs

  • Organize few discipleship conferences 

  • Host a Family camp 

  • Engage with national and international students at the campus of the American University in Bulgaria through our student ministry

  • Implement the Discipling for Development (D4D) process among poor and marginalized communities across the country

Partner With Us

Giving is a privilege. The choice to give expresses our love for Christ by meeting a practical need.