Steve Herrmann

Serving in full time ministry in Hungary




What We Do

Both Steve and Lidia work as school teachers. Steve teaches conversational English at the high school level. Lidia teaches all subjects at the elementary level and foreign language at all levels, elementary through high school.

Our Mission

By building a strong relationship with students, Steve is able to stay in contact with them after graduation, continue to exert influence, and studying the Bible with many. He is also a key member in the congregation, often working with leadership. Lidia heads up a country-wide mothers' prayer ministry. They both also reach out in their neighborhood, and through other natural contacts.


Our History

Steve and Lidia Herrmann, married for close to three decades, live in Budapest, Hungary. Steve has been in the country for 20+ years. Lidia is a native. 

Support Our Ministry

Giving is a privilege. The choice to give expresses our love for Christ by meeting a practical need.